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This book is a great introduction to teaching and assessing ear training skills for junior high school students in any country.


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The Teachers' Guide to Ear Training

SKU: 0005
  • This digital book and audio download package focuses on giving teachers strategies, techniques and exercises for teaching beginner ear training to their year 9-11 students. Rather than just being a resource with lots of testing exercises this resource includes a method of teaching ear training to beginners.

    Through a combination of learning about intervals, melodies and chord progressions students will quickly develop well-rounded and proficient musical recognition skills

    This pdf book and audio contains over 100 musical examples for developing your students’ ear training skills. Exercises can be either, teacher directed, student directed or peer-to-peer directed (co-operative learning). You, the teacher, will be able to monitor your students’ progress through a series of student self-evaluation exercises so you will know exactly how quickly to move on to new and more challenging exercises.

    Also included is an end of course exam similar to what students will encounter in external national assessments.


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